UN Etxea is an organization committed to transparency. UN Etxea, wanting to apply the highest standards of transparency, provides society accurate information about its finances.
Our finances are audited by LKS Auditores S.L.
Financial information
Financing and collaborating entities
Audit reports (Spanish)
Annual income and expenditure
Annual budget
Institutional documentation
Charter (Spanish)
Strategic plan 2021-2024 (Spanish)
Education strategy for social transformation 2022-2024 (Spanish)
Protocol for the prevention and action against sexual harassment, by reason of sex and sexual orientation (Spanish)
Annual reports (Spanish)
Institutional declarations (Spanish)
- 2011 – “Hacia un nuevo humanismo”
Associated persons and entities
With a desire for transparency and respecting the Data Protection Act, we publish the list of those persons and associated entities that have given their express consent. See the list
UN Etxea Position Statement on Gender (Spanish)
UN Etxea Position Statement on Gender (Spanish)
Protocol for Gender-Equal Communication (Spanish)
Protocol for Gender-Equal Communication (Spanish)