UN Etxea is committed to gender equality and social justice, recognising that gender equity is essential to the realisation of universal human rights. Equity is a way, equality is the result. For this reason, UN Etxea makes a special effort to make gender inequalities visible in order to combat them, making a special effort to promote gender equity both within our organisation and in each and every one of the actions we carry out.


In 2014 we began a process of organisational change in pro-gender equity. We currently have the II Pro-Gender Equity Action Plan, a key document to continue incorporating the gender and feminist perspective into the organisational structure. This process has been possible thanks to the support of the Basque Agency for Cooperation and Solidarity. The Internal Gender Group, made up of one person from the Governing Council, the Director and the gender focal point, is the driving force behind the process, driving and ensuring the appropriate implementation of the plan.

Thanks to this process of organisational change, we adopt the strategy of making the gender perspective across all areas of our organisation: structure, work organisation, organisational culture, labour policy, work areas and projects.

Relevant documents such as the I Pro-Gender Equity Action Plan 2015-2019, the Gender Positioning, the Protocol for Communication with Gender Equity, the Protocol for the prevention of and action against sexual and based on sex and sexual orientation harassment, and the II Pro-Gender Equity Action Plan 2024-2027 reflect our commitment.



The rights of women and girls continue to be violated in all social contexts, and no country has achieved complete equality. For this reason, we work through specific actions and in a cross-cutting manner through education, culture, environmental sustainability, human rights and communication to promote gender equality.

UN Etxea is committed to making gender inequalities visible and combating them. We provide training and tools to women’s organisations to strengthen their capacities in promoting gender equality and sustainable development, with a focus on intersectionality. We raise public awareness on gender equality, sustainable development and human rights through outreach materials that reflect the experiences of diverse women.

We facilitate the active participation of Basque women leaders in international spaces, ensuring diverse representation. We promote collaboration between feminist organisations, public institutions, civil society and citizens in general, integrating an intersectional perspective.


Some of our most prominent collaborations include: